Information of the most significant transactions executed by the Company and other significant controlled entities

Significant Transactions of the Company

The criteria for classifying the Company's transactions as significant are defined in sub-clause 8.2 of Article 8 of the Company's Charter. For the period from 01/01/2021 to 09/30/2021, RusHydro committed no significant transactions as specified in sub-clause 8.2.of the Charter.

Significant Transactions of Controlled Legal Entities

The criteria for the "most significant transactions" of major controlled legal entities are not defined in their Charters. Since sub-clause 8.2. of Article 8 of the Company's Charter, in relation to significant transactions of the Company, established the criterion of their assignment to significant category in the amount of 10 (ten) and more percent of the Company's book value, in relation to the controlled legal entities, in order to disclose these data, the same criterion is applied and the transactions of major controlled legal entities (except for intragroup transactions) are given as significant, with their price exceeding 10 (ten) or more percent of the book value of the assets of the respective entity on the last reporting date preceding the date of the transaction.