
focuses on the production of pure energy and decarbonization of energy facilities

One of the key goals of RusHydro Group is sustainable development of electricity production in the Russian Federation with a focus on pure energy. The company systematically builds up the volumes of electricity production, namely by means of improving the efficiency of existing energy facilities and commissioning of new capacities.

Одна из ключевых целей Группы РусГидро – устойчивое развитие производства электроэнергии на территории Российской Федерации с фокусом на чистую энергию. Компания планомерно увеличивает объемы производства электроэнергии, в том числе за счет повышения эффективности действующих энергетических объектов и ввода новых мощностей.

Our priority is generation facilities using renewable energy sources, which include large and small hydro power plants as well as solar, wind, and geothermal plants.

Most electricity is generated by the Group using water, which is a renewable resource. Hydropower industry as a RES is a relevant factor in decarbonization of economics. Development of hydrogeneration ensures reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the electric power industry, which is one of the factors enabling Russia to fulfill its international obligations under the Paris Agreement. Each million kW-h generated at an HPP prevents emission of 665 tons of CO2 and saves 353 tons of coal or 268,000 m3 of gas. If the electricity produced by HPPs in Russia is replaced with generation of thermal plants, then greenhouse gas emissions in the electric power industry of our country would rise by 142 mln tons, or 38%.


Environmental protection

The Company is one of the primary water users in the water industry of Russia and operates in most regions of the country.

RusHydro operates in accordance with the state policy of environmental development. The activity of RusHydro is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory acts, international agreements of the Russian Federation in environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources.


Charity and volunteering

RusHydro is implementing a comprehensive charity program aimed both at educating a new generation of professional power engineers and at creating a favorable social environment and improving the quality of life in all regions of the company's presence.

The main principles of the company's comprehensive charity program are: transparency, targeting and efficiency of the use of funds.
