Priorities in the Field of Sustainable Development

The RusHydro Group shares and supports both global and national initiatives in the context of ESG, consistently implementing sustainable development practices in its activities.

One of strategic goals of the RusHydro Group is the sustainable development of power generation in the Russian Federation with a focus on clean energy. The company systematically increases the volume of electricity production, including by increasing the efficiency of existing power facilities and commissioning of new capacities.

The priority category includes generating facilities that use renewable energy sources, including hydropower plants (including small HPPs), solar and wind power plant complexes and geothermal plants.

The RusHydro Group participates in implementation of state tasks for accelerated social and economic development of the Far East. On the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District the Group actively implements investment projects on construction of renewable energy facilities and sustainable low-carbon generation. For example, as part of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Anadyrskaya CHPP in Chukotka was fully gasified and gasification of Vladivostokskaya CHPP-2 in Primorye is completed.

Support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The RusHydro Group contributes to achievement of global goals in the economic, ecological and social spheres. Integrating the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its activities, the Company annually discloses qualitative and quantitative indicators as part of its annual reporting to monitor its impact.

Priority SDGs, Tasks

RusHydro's Contribution to Achievement of the SDGs

The RusHydro Group is a national leader in clean power generation.

31 GW is the installed capacity of the RusHydro Group RES-based generation facilities.

Every 4 out of 5 kWh is generated by generation facilities based on renewable energy sources (HPPs, GTPs, SPPs, WPPs).

The share of the RusHydro Group in Russian renewable energy generation is 54%.

About 7% of the RusHydro Group power generation is provided by low-carbon gas generation.

The RusHydro is the only company in Russia which generating facilities include three pumped-storage plants, which are the most efficient industrial accumulators of electric power.

Being an operator of tariff alignment mechanism implementation, the RusHydro Group provides electric power tariffs for the main consumer groups in the Far Eastern Federal District at the level of the national average.

The RusHydro Group has 35 HPPs which reservoirs accumulate strategic reserves of fresh water and meet the needs of drinking, industrial and agricultural water supply.

HPP power generation does not change the composition and volume of river water.

Water is not taken in areas with water shortages.

The RusHydro Group actively contributes to implementation of the Strategy of low-carbon development of Russia.

The strategy of the RusHydro for the period up to 2025 with an outlook until 2035 aims at "Sustainable low-carbon development of power generation" and sets the target of reducing CO emissions by 9% by 2035.

Important strategic initiatives of RusHydro are completion and construction of new HPPs, including small ones, creation of conditions for building of new pumped-storage power plants, implementation of an energy service model for local generation modernization projects using RES and energy storage systems.

The strategy sets the goal of decarbonization of energy facilities in the Far Eastern Federal District with a gradual transition of thermal power plants from coal combustion to gas and reduction of direct greenhouse gas emissions by RusHydro facilities. The share of gas generation in the total capacity of thermal power plants will reach 60% by 2035.

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Anadyrskaya CHPP in Chukotka was fully gasified and gasification of Vladivostokskaya CHPP-2 in Primorye is completed.

RusHydro implements the program of construction and replacement of the existing heat generation in the Far Eastern Federal District:

  • construction of Artemovskaya CHPP-2 (replacement of coal generation with gas generation);
  • construction of the Khabarovskaya CHPP-4 (substitution of coal for gas generation);
  • construction of the 2nd stage of the Yakutskaya SDPP-2 (gas generation);
  • modernization of Vladivostokskaya CHPP-2 (gas generation).

The RusHydro Group ensures reliable power supply and safe operation of power facilities, sustainable development of power generation with a focus on clean energy, development of the Far East power industry.

Modernization of local power generation in the Far East using modern renewable energy technologies is an important area of activity of RusHydro. The use of solar and wind generation makes it possible to reduce significantly consumption of expensive diesel fuel and increase reliability of power supply. The most effective and reliable solution is to create automated hybrid power complexes that include modern cost-effective diesel generators, RES generation and power storage units, united by a single digital control system. At present, a project is being implemented to create more than 70 autonomous power complexes in Yakutia and Kamchatka under the mechanism of energy service contracts.

1 527,5 km of electricity transmission lines were built and commissioned in the Far Eastern Federal District.

23,4 thousand technological connection contracts were signed (the increase by 14.7% to 2020).

52 fast electric charging stations were installed in seven subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District.

94.5 bln. rubles in tax payments were paid to budgets at different levels. (A.2.1.) Taxes and other payments to the government.

The RusHydro Group provides orders to domestic engineering enterprises. The RusHydro Group HPPs regulate river flows and protect against floods.

716 million rubles were spent on research and development. (А.3.3.) Total spending on research and development.

The Company also acts as an operator of the tariff alignment program for the population of the Far East, that increases the attractiveness of the region.

The entities of the Group employ over 65,000 persons.

The average salary is 89,541 rubles that is higher than the average value in the regions of presence. Salaries and social benefits are not differentiated by type of employment contract, employment type or gender.

Collective employment agreements apply to 93.6% of the Group employees.

RusHydro ensures sustainable development of the energy sector in the Far Eastern Federal District and is a partner in implementation of state tasks for accelerated social and economic development of the region, including through large-scale rendering of integrated services to consumers using smart metering systems.

One of the directions of the social policy of RusHydro is to maintain health and promote healthy lifestyle.

During 2021 the RusHydro Group organized large-scale activities to ensure testing of employees for COVID-19, organized activities for on-site vaccination of employees, developed and implemented measures to motivate employees to be vaccinated against the coronavirus infection. The number of the RusHydro Group employees fully vaccinated by the end of the year was 78%.

The average cost of social package for employees, including PVE, VMI, accident and illness insurance, and support in improvement of housing conditions, was 30,908 rubles per year.

Expenses on health and safety in 2021 amounted to 2.6 bln rubles, or 1% of consolidated revenues.

Zero tolerance for violations of occupational health and safety rules ensures a low injury rate.

During the year one case of occupational disease was identified for more than 65,000 employees.

Training of the RusHydro Group employees is organized on the basis of the own Corporate Hydropower University and personnel training programs.

More than 20 universities train future power engineers in close cooperation with the Group that provides intellectual and charitable assistance to educational institutions.

To make school education accessible in the regions where the Company operates, 11 energy classes for students in grades from 7 through 11 have been organized. 355 million rubles is spent on employee training.

The RusHydro Group shares the Sustainable Development Goals and is a member of the UN Global Contract.

OECD (BIAC OECD), ASEAN, International Hydropower Association (IHA), World Energy Council (WEC), Global Partnership for Sustainable Development (GSEP) and a number of other organizations.

The Strategy of RusHydro fixes the key strategic goal "Sustainable development of power generation with a focus on clean energy".


Supporting the global initiatives on sustainable development, the RusHydro Group implements the most relevant UN SDGs in its activities, correlates them with its goals and objectives and analyzes its progress.